Starting up the SABCFlex mobile app!

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SABCFlex Mobile

SABCFlex - APP Error

System is currently unavailable!


Version 4.3.0a

Please login with the username you signed up with on the Employee PORTAL.

    Install this webapp on your iPhone.

    Tap below

    and click "Add to Home Screen".

    Need Help?

    Frequently Asked Questions

    I've forgotton my username.

    I've forgotton my password.

    I'm not seeing my balances.

    Several things could be causing this issue.

    1. Balances are updated on a nightly basis, so you may not see them until the following business day.
    2. Your first deposit may not have been received yet.
    3. There may be a mismatch with your personal information in the portal system and our employee system.

    If these answers have not resolved your issue, please contact us 601.856.9933. Please provide phone type and app version when calling.

    Current Balances

    As of

    Note: Reimbursement will be made once claim exceeds the $15.00 check minimum. Final claims less than $15.00 and more than $1.00, will be reimbursed at the end of the plan year.



    Request for Reimbursement - Submitted

    Thank You! Your request for reimbursement has been submitted. You will receive a notification when your request has been processed.

    Request for Reimbursement - Failure

    There was an error submitting your claim!

    One or more of your images failed to upload or your images were in an unsupported format.

    Request for Reimbursement - Claim Submit Failure

    There were errors submitting your claim!

    Please contact SABC.

    Validation Request - Submitted

    Thank You! Your request for validation has been submitted. You will receive a notification when your request has been processed.

    Personal Information

    • Company Name:
    • Employee Name:
    • SSN/Employee No:
    • Daytime Phone:
    • Email Address:
          Address on file is:

    • Plan Year:
    • In-Office Check Pickup
    • Dependent Day Care Expenses Total:
    • Unreimbursed Medical Expenses Total:
      An Explanation of Benefits from your insurance carrier is always the preferred receipt, and may be required.
    • HRA Expenses Total:
      Employer Supplement Plan (EOB Required)
    • PLEASE NOTE! You are limited to 10 receipts per claim.
    • And files are limited to 5 Megabytes in size per image. You may need to adjust your camera settings to obtain the correct size.
    • Receipt Images:
      Click to Upload Receipts

    To the best of my knowledge and belief, my statements in this Request for Reimbursement are complete and true. I am claiming reimbursement only for eligible expenses incurred after the effective date of my participation in the plan and only for eligible family members. I certify that these expense(s) have not been previously reimbursed or are not reimbursable under any other health plan coverage, and will not be claimed as an income tax deduction. I authorize my Flexible Spending Account be reduced by the amount of eligible expenses requested.


    Please enter the password you logged in with to indicate you agree to the above statement.

    Most Recent Card Charges

    Documentation Required

    Mailing Address
    Southern Administrators and Benefits Consultants, Inc.
    P.O. Box 2449
    Madison, MS 39130-2449

    Office Location
    567 Hwy 51. Suite A
    Ridgeland, MS 39157

    Phone: 601.856.9933
    Fax: 601.856.8088

    Current Queue:

    • No Pending Messages

    Previously Filed Claims


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      A new version of this app is available. Click here to update.