We welcome and appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you and your associates. Our mission is and always has been, to offer the highest level of service that exceeds our customers’ expectations. As with everything we do, this site is a direct reflection of our customer’s feedback. Your comments are important to us, and we ask for your continued input so that we can further meet your needs. Please submit your comments using the form on the right.
Contact Info
567 Hwy 51. Suite A
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Phone: 601.856.9933
Fax: 601.856.8088
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Phone: 601.856.9933
Fax: 601.856.8088
Mailing Address
Southern Administrators and Benefits Consultants, Inc.
P.O. Box 2449
Madison, MS 39130-2449
P.O. Box 2449
Madison, MS 39130-2449
Contact Us
SABCFlex Card

WEX Login
Call SABC at 601-856-9933 for Member ID number.
IMPORTANT: Your card is valid for (3) to (5) years. Even if you do not participate for a year, keep your card, until the expiration date. Although it will be inactive, it is still valid for future use. There is a $10.00 charge if the card has to be re-issued.