You can deduct the cost of medical procedures done in another country as long as it is a legal operation and not “unnecessary cosmetic surgery”. This is the same requirement for procedures done in the US. IRS Publication 502 will give you more information and an extensive list of covered medical expenses. In order to be reimbursed, you must provide a third party receipt listing the date the service, type of service, patients name and your cost. If the receipt is in a foreign language, it must be translated by a third party and notarized. In general, you cannot be reimbursed for prescription drugs purchased or shipped from another country. An exception would the cost of a prescribed drug the Food and Drug Administration announces can be legally imported. You can include the cost of a drug you purchase and consume in another country, if the drug is legal in both the other country and the United States. The Internal Revenue Service has no official exchange rate. Normally, you can use the exchange rate prevailing (i.e., the spot rate) when you receive, pay or accrue the item. This website may be helpful:
Contact Info
567 Hwy 51. Suite A
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Phone: 601.856.9933
Fax: 601.856.8088
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Phone: 601.856.9933
Fax: 601.856.8088
Mailing Address
Southern Administrators and Benefits Consultants, Inc.
P.O. Box 2449
Madison, MS 39130-2449
P.O. Box 2449
Madison, MS 39130-2449
Contact Us
SABCFlex Card

WEX Login
Call SABC at 601-856-9933 for Member ID number.
IMPORTANT: Your card is valid for (3) to (5) years. Even if you do not participate for a year, keep your card, until the expiration date. Although it will be inactive, it is still valid for future use. There is a $10.00 charge if the card has to be re-issued.